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The Founding College of the University of Toronto

Scholarships & Awards

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In Course Scholarships
Bequest of Grace Agnes Fletcher (UC 1944), of the value of the annual income from the fund, for a student with excellent performance in a program sponsored by the Geography Department.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
Graduating Year Awards
The Grant H. Ferguson Scholarship was established in honour of Grant H. Ferguson, BA (UC 1949), QC, upon the occasion of his retirement as mining and lands commissioner in the Ministry of Natural Resources. In making the award, preference will be given to a student going on to study law with the intent to specialize, ultimately, in the field of natural resources. If no such student is available, the scholarship may be awarded to a student graduating from a program of courses including geology, botany, zoology, or environmental studies.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required
Graduating Year Awards
The Harold Willett Stewart Memorial Scholarship is from the bequest of the late Edith May Stewart in memory of her brother. The scholarship, of the value of the annual income from the fund, to be awarded to a student of University College in the graduating year for the purpose of pursuing post-graduate studies.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required
Financial Need Awards
Three awards will be made to University College students who are enrolled in programs from the Department of History, one in each of 2nd, 3rd and 4th years who have a minimum annual GPA of 3.5 and who demonstrate financial need by submitting an undergraduate grant application. Students receiving the award in 2nd and/or 3rd year may be eligible for continuing awards providing they maintain eligibility.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required
Graduating Year Awards
The Isabel Warne Fellowship is intended for UC students pursuing graduate studies within or outside Canada. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required
In Course Scholarships
Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies
Established primarily to support students in the Sexual Diversity Studies (SDS) Program. Though preference will be given to students in the SDS Program, awards may also be given to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students enrolled in other programs at the University of Toronto. Although the primary criterion for selection will be financial need based on the requirements of the OTSS program, the Committee may also consider other factors such as a student’s commitment to academic achievement, outstanding volunteer contributions on or off campus aimed at increasing acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people

Eligibility Requirements

  • U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
  • U of T Student: Registered in a UC program, Enrolled in a college other than UC
  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required
In Course Scholarships
Gift of friends and relatives of the late Jack Zwaigenbaum, enrolled in Commerce and Finance at University College from 1954 until his death in 1956; scholarship of the value of the annual income from the fund.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
Travel Awards
To assist students in any discipline to travel to France or any francophone country or province in connection with his or her studies. First preference for a student from University College; if no such suitable candidate is available, the award may be used to assist a student from any college who is enrolled in a program sponsored by the French Department. Students who have just completed their undergraduate studies are eligible, as well as those in the midst of their studies. Should there be no suitable candidates available in any given year a portion of the funds may be used to assist University College students with travel to present papers at a scholarly conference. Awards will vary in number and value.

Eligibility Requirements

  • U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required
Financial Need Awards
This award was established in honour of June Surgey, past Director of University College Alumni & Development, to assist University College students who have financial need to live in residence. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required
In Course Scholarships
Established in honour of Kathleen Davis and William G. Davis (UC 1951), premier of the province of Ontario 1971-85, upon the occasion of his retirement as premier. In awarding the two scholarships preference will be given to students enrolled in a program in political science, the former premier’s main area of interest.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Automatic Consideration/No Application Required