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The Founding College of the University of Toronto

University of Toronto, UC Constitution

I. Derivation of Authority from the U of T Act

The Council of the University College exercises its powers and duties under the provisions of the University of Toronto Act, 1971, as amended.

II. Definitions

In this Constitution and the accompanying By-laws:


"College" means University College and "Council" means the properly composed Council of University College of the University of Toronto.


"Teaching Staff" means someone who holds an academic appointment of 50% or more at the University of Toronto and who holds the title of Professor; Associate Professor; Assistant Professor; Professor, Teaching Stream; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream; Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream; Senior Lecturer; Lecturer; Senior Tutor; Tutor; Assistant Professor (conditional); or Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (conditional); and who has been appointed as a member of the College by Council.


"Other Academic Appointee" means a current University of Toronto employee who is involved in the delivery of College programs who has been appointed as a member of the College by Council and who: a) holds a part-time academic appointment of less than 50% in the University and who holds the title of Professor; Associate Professor; Assistant Professor; Professor, Teaching Stream; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream; Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream; Senior Lecturer; Lecturer; Senior Tutor; or Tutor; or b) is a Sessional Lecturer I, II, or III.


"Administrative Staff" means an appointed staff member of the College who is not a member of the teaching staff and who holds an appointment of 25% or more.


"Undergraduate Student" means any student registered in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the College in a program of study leading to a degree, post-secondary diploma, or for-credit certificate who is not registered in the School of Graduate Studies; or any student registered in a major or specialist program of study sponsored by the College and leading to a degree, post-secondary diploma, or for-credit certificate in the Faculty of Arts and Science who is not registered at the School of Graduate Studies.


"Graduate Student" means any student registered in the School of Graduate Studies in a program of study leading to a degree, post-secondary diploma, or for-credit certificate at the University of Toronto who has been appointed as a member of the College by Council.


"Alumnus/a" means anyone who has received a degree, post-secondary diploma, or for-credit certificate from the Faculty of Arts and Science at the College; or who has received a degree, post-secondary diploma, or for-credit certificate from the Faculty of Arts and Science in a major or specialist program of study sponsored by the College; or who has completed one year of full-time studies while registered in the Faculty at the College and who is no longer registered as a student and who is not a member of the Teaching or Administrative Staff of the College.


"Program Director" means a member of the Teaching Staff appointed as the Director of an academic program associated with the College, either because the College directly sponsors it or because the Council has established an affiliation with it.

III. Council's General Powers and Duties

Subject to the provisions of the University of Toronto Act, 1971, as amended and the approval, as required or as appropriate, of the Governing Council of the University, Council shall have the following powers and duties.


Council shall determine its composition, and the number, composition and authority of its committees.

III-2  Advisory role

Council plays an advisory role, tendering advice to the College administration (the Principal and other unit leaders) concerning affairs of the College and broader issues arising from the College's relation to the Faculty, other colleges, and the University.

IV. Council's Specific Powers and Duties

The specific powers and duties of Council are the following:

IV-1 Determine its rules and regulations

Council shall determine the rules and regulations for governing its procedures and its decisions shall be made by resolutions passed at its meetings.

IV-2 By-Laws

Council shall pass by-laws regulating the exercise of its powers, the calling and conduct of its meetings, and the method of appointment or election of its members.

IV-3 Establish committees

Council shall have the power to establish, alter, or disband its committees as deemed necessary and to determine their composition, authority, quorum, and method of appointment of their members and chairs.

Council has authority over recommendations brought forward by such committees, be that in its decision-making capacity or in its advisory role.

IV-4 College Membership for Teaching Staff,
Other Academic Appointees, and Graduate Students

Council shall establish policies for determining the membership of Teaching Staff, Other Academic Appointees, and Graduate Students in the College and shall approve the membership of Teaching Staff, Other Academic Appointees, and Graduate Students in the College; Council may delegate the appointment of College members to committees or officers of the College, with the expectation that the committee or officers will report back to Council.

IV-5 Establish Policies and Procedures

Council shall deliberate on and determine policies and procedures in accordance with University policy on issues of substance relating to the College, including but not limited to the following:

  1. The College residences
  2. The College library
  3. The Writing Centre
  4. Information technology for the College including computer labs
  5. Acquisition of art for the College collection
  6. Preservation of the College archives
  7. Student services
  8. The preservation, maintenance, and use of space in the historic College buildings, especially the University College building, but also the University College Union and the residences
  9. The Senior Common Room
  10. Advancement activities

IV-6 Awards

Council shall award scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards controlled by the College and may delegate this responsibility to committees or officers of the College.

IV-7 Academic programs

Council shall consider the content, quality, and requirements of the credit and non-credit courses, academic programs, and courses of study that lead to degrees, diplomas, certificates, that the College sponsors. Council shall consider proposals for the closure of any such programs or courses of study; and it shall monitor the quality and standards of the programs and courses of study.

Council shall recommend for approval to the Council of the Faculty of Arts and Science, the following:

  • proposals for establishment and closure of academic programs;
  • proposals for major and minor modifications to existing academic programs, diplomas, and certificates;1 and
  • proposals for the establishment and closure of Category 1 and Category 2 for-credit certificates.2

Council may establish a standing committee to advise it on curricular matters.

IV-8 Interdisciplinary units

Council shall review and approve, subject to approval by the Council of the Faculty of Arts and Science, proposals concerning Extra-Departmental Units in the College, pursuant to the Policy on Interdisciplinary Education and Research Planning and the Guidelines for the Extra-Departmental Units.

IV-9 Review of academic programs and units

Council may be one venue in which consideration and discussion of a review report of an academic program and/or unit may occur (where there is College involvement), consistent with the protocol outlined in the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process.

1Definitions of major modifications of existing programs, minor modifications, and new academic programs are provided in the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process and are subject to change. Guidance from the Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs, should be sought prior to the development of any such proposal.

2Definitions of Category 1 and 2 certificates are provided in the Policy on Certificates (For Credit and Not-for-Credit). The Policy states that new Category 3 certificates "must undergo the appropriate divisional approval" and must be submitted to the Provost's office for inclusion in an annual report to the Committee on Academic Policy & Programs.

V. Powers, Duties and Responsibilities of the Principal


Council recognizes that the Principal exercises powers under the authority of the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators which states that "the Principal of the College is the chief executive officer of the College and reports directly to the Vice-President and Provost."


While the Principal may delegate authority to other academic administrators in the College, the Principal retains responsibility for the overall direction of the College and, in particular, for authority over the budget and other financial matters, personnel matters, including appointments and promotions, and extra-College relationships. In this respect, Council recognizes that the Principal has ultimate authority for the allocation and management of the College's resources.


The Principal shall consult with members of the College through Council or its Executive Committee on matters of policy and practice but is ultimately responsible for all administrative decisions that are within his/her jurisdiction and authority.


The Principal shall advise Council of the resource implications of proposed academic policy decisions.


The Principal shall consult with Council on administrative proposals that may have a significant impact on the academic programs of the College.

VI. Membership of Council

VI-1 Elected/appointed members

Elected or appointed members (voting, unless otherwise noted):

  • 13 Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointees (2 year term);
  • 2 Administrative Staff (2 year term);
  • 10 Undergraduate Students (1 year term);
  • 1 Senior Don (1 year term);
  • 1 Graduate Student (1 year term);
  • 1 Alumnus/alumna (2 year term);

VI-2 Ex-officio members

Ex-officio members (voting, unless otherwise noted)

  • The President of the University, or designate
  • The Vice-President and Provost, or designate (non-voting)
  • The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, or designate (non-voting)
  • The Principal of the College, or designate
  • The Vice-Principal of the College, or designate
  • The Directors of the College Programs, or designates
  • The College Registrar, or designate
  • The Dean of Students, or designate
  • The Chief Administrative Officer of the College, or designate
  • The College Librarian
  • The Director of the College's Office of Advancement
  • The Director of the College Writing Centre
  • The Director of the University of Toronto Art Centre
  • The President of the College's Literary and Athletic Society
  • The Vice-President of the College's Literary and Athletic Society
  • The President of the College's Residence Council
  • The President of the College's Alumni Association, or designate
  • The Speaker of Council (non-voting)
  • The Secretary of Council (non-voting)

VII. Term and Quorum of Council


The term of office of members of Council and its Committees shall be from July 1 to June 30, with the term of Student members beginning in September.


The quorum for a meeting of Council shall be one-third of the voting members. This number will be determined each year.

VIII. Officers

VIII-1 Speaker

An emeritus member of the Teaching Staff traditionally serves as Speaker. The Executive Committee of Council shall advise the Principal of appropriate candidates, and he/she shall invite one of them to serve.

VIII-2 Presiding Officer

The Speaker shall preside at all meetings of Council. In the absence of the Speaker, any member of the Executive Committee may convene the meeting and a Speaker shall be chosen by a majority of the voting members present for the meeting.

VIII-3 Term of Speaker

The Speaker shall normally serve a two-year term, and is eligible for reappointment to a maximum of three consecutive terms.

VIII-4 Secretary

The Executive Assistant to the Principal shall be the Secretary of Council.

IX. Meetings

IX-1 Regular meetings

There shall normally be four regular meetings of Council in each academic year; there shall be at least one regular meeting in each of the fall and winter sessions. Notice of each meeting shall be given to members at least one month in advance of the meeting, and an agenda for the meeting shall be circulated at least one week in advance of the meeting.

IX-2 Special Meeting

A special meeting may be called by the Principal of the College; or the Speaker shall, upon the written request of at least half of the members of the Council, convene a special meeting to consider the matter(s) requiring the meeting within 30 days of receiving the request. Notice of such a meeting shall be given at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

IX-3 Voting

Each voting member of Council has one vote on any question. Motions pass with a simple majority unless otherwise stated in the rules of procedure of the Council. In the case of a tie vote, the Speaker may cast a deciding vote or redirect the question for further consideration.


Meetings of Council shall be open to the public except when matters of a confidential nature may be discussed. Council will then move in camera.

IX-5 Minutes

The Secretary of Council shall keep minutes of meetings and shall publicize them when they have been approved at the following meeting of Council.

X. By-Laws

X-1 Procedures

The procedures of Council will be set forth in the By-Laws of Council.

X-2 Committees

The composition, powers, duties, and procedures of Standing and Special Committees shall be set forth in the By-Laws of Council.

XI. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws and any special rules of order the Council may adopt.

XII. Amendment of the Constitution and By-Laws

XII-1 Constitution

The Constitution of the Council may only be amended with the approval of the Council and the appropriate body of the Governing Council of the University of Toronto. Voting shall take place at a regularly constituted meeting to which there has been thirty days' notice of the proposed amendment. Amendment of the Constitution requires an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the members of Council present and voting, where those members are at least one half of the total voting membership of Council.

Following approval of the recommended amendment by Council, the amendment is forwarded to the appropriate body of the Governing Council for approval.

XII-2 By-Laws

The By-Laws of the Council may be amended with the approval of a two-thirds majority of Council members present and voting. Voting shall take place at a regularly constituted meeting to which there has been seven days' notice of the proposed amendment.

Amended and approved by the Council of University College on February 23, 1998 and approved by the Executive Committee of the Governing Council on April 21, 1998.

Amended and approved by the Council of University College on April 27, 2012 and approved by the
Executive Committee of Governing Council on June 11, 2012.

Required amendments made to reflect approved updates to the Policy and Procedures on Academic
Appointments and the Policy on Certificates (For Credit and Not-for-Credit) on March 31, 2017.