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University College will be closed from 3:00 p.m. on Friday February 14 for the Family Day long weekend. The college will reopen Tuesday, February 18th. Have a great long weekend!

The Founding College of the University of Toronto
Admission Scholarships

Sydney Hermant Scholarhip/Bursaries

The Sydney Hermant Admission Scholarship/Bursary is to be awarded to a student who combines academic potential and financial need with community interest and social involvement as demonstrated at the high school level. This scholarship, given in honour of Sydney Hermant by his four sons, is to provide support of an all-round student in the first year of University study. The selection of such a student to be at the sole discretion of the Principal of University College. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Automatic Consideration/No Application Required