Books about UC History
Interested in reading about the history of University College? Start with the books listed here (all available at the UC Library). Click a link to find the book in the U of T Library Catalogue.
Books about University College
- A Not Unsightly Building: University College and Its History, by Douglas Richardson; with J.M.S. Careless, G.M. Craig & Peter Heyworth; with special photography by John Wilson (Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic Press for University College, 1990). Find it in print
- Comings and Goings: University Students in Canadian Society, 1854-1973, by Charles Morden Levi (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003). Find it in print Find it online
- Great Art for a Great University: The University College Collection, edited by Matthew Brower, Niamh O'Laoghaire ; foreword by Dennis Reid; essay by Niamh O'Laoghaire (Toronto: University of Toronto Art Centre, 2011). Find it in print
- University College, A Portrait, 1853-1953, by Claude Bissell (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1953). Find it in print Find it online
Books about the University of Toronto (partially about University College)
- The University of Toronto: A History, second edition, by Martin L. Friedland (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013). Find it in print Find it online
- Notes for The University of Toronto: A History, by Martin L. Friedland (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002). Find it in print Find it online
- Arts and Science at Toronto: A History, 1827-1990, by Robert Craig Brown (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013). Find it in print Find it online
- English Studies at Toronto: A History, by Robin S. Harris; with a foreword by H. Northrop Frye (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988). Find it in print
- Evolution of the Heart: A History of the University of Toronto Library up to 1981, by Robert H. Blackburn (Toronto: University of Toronto Library, 1989). Find it in print
- French Studies at the University of Toronto 1853-1993, by C.D. Rouillard and Colleagues (Toronto: Department of French, University of Toronto, 1994). Find it in print Find it online
- Halfway Up Parnassus: A Personal Account of the University of Toronto, 1932-1971, by Claude Bissell (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974). Find it in print Find it online
- Historical Distillates: Chemistry at the University of Toronto Since 1843, by Adrian G. Brook and W.A.E. (Peter) McBryde (Toronto: Dundurn Group, 2007). Find it in print Find it online
- Minerva's Aviary: Philosophy at Toronto, 1843-2003, by John G. Slater (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005). Find it in print Find it online
- A Path Not Strewn with Roses: One Hundred Years of Women at the University of Toronto, 1884-1984, by Anne Rochon Ford (Toronto: Women's Centenary Committee, University of Toronto, 1985). Find it in print Find it online
- University of Toronto: An Architectural Tour, second edition, by Larry Wayne Richards (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2019). Find it in print