Donald C. Ainslie
BSc, MA, PhD
Professor, Department of Philosophy
University College Room 165
15 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3H7
Campus: St. George
15 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3H7
Campus: St. George
Donald Ainslie’s research includes early modern philosophy, David Hume, naturalism in ethics, and the foundation of bioethics.
- BSc (Mathematics), Queen’s University
- MA, University of Pittsburgh
- PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Research Interests
- Bioethics
- Early Modern Philosophy
- “Hume a Scottish Socrates?”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33(1). 2003.
- “AIDS and Sex: Is Warning a Moral Obligation?”, Health Care Analysis 10(1). 2002.
- “Bioethics And The Problem Of Pluralism”, Social Philosophy and Policy 19(2). 2002.
- “Hume’s reflections on the identity and simplicity of mind”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62(3). 2001.
- “Scepticism about persons in Book II of Hume’s Treatise”, Journal of the History of Philosophy 37(3). 1999.
- “The Problem of the National Self in Hume’s Theory of Justice”, Hume Studies 21(2). 1995.