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The Founding College of the University of Toronto

University College By-Laws of Council

I. Rules of Procedure for the Election and Appointment of Members to Council


Elections and appointments for all constituencies will be completed and reported to the Secretary of Council by the end of September of each year (though an exception will be made for the appointment of Undergraduate Student representatives in their first year, where some extra time might be required for appointment).

I-2. Election/Appointment Procedures

  • 8 Undergraduate Student representatives will be appointed by the Council of the College’s Literary and Athletic Society for a one-year term.
  • 2 Undergraduate Student representatives will be appointed by the Presidents of the Course Unions of the programs that the College sponsors for a one-year term.
  • 1 Senior Don, preferably a UC member, will be appointed by the residence dons for a one-year term.
  • 1 Graduate Student representative will be nominated and elected by and from among the Graduate Students for a one-year term.
  • 2 Administrative Staff representatives will be nominated and elected by and from among the Administrative Staff for a two-year term, with the terms staggered so that one new Administrative Staff representative joins Council each year.
  • 13 Teaching Staff and Other Academic Appointees. All Teaching Staff not holding major administrative roles (those governed by the “Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators”) and any Other Academic Appointees who opt to be included, not already on Council, and not having just finished a term on Council shall be listed on a ballot and all Teaching Staff and Other Academic Appointees shall have the opportunity to vote for up to as many members as vacancies in the complement of at-large Teaching Staff and Other Academic Appointees on Council. Those receiving the highest number of votes shall be appointed to a two-year term to fill all vacancies, with the appointments staggered so that half of the Teaching Staff and Other Academic Appointee representatives are new each year. If a member of the Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee on Council must vacate his or her seat after one year, the seat will be filled on an interim basis by the member of the Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee receiving the most votes after the two-year terms have been filled. In no case shall more than four Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointees with primary appointments in a given Department or EDU:A be elected to Council in at-large positions. Tie votes will be broken by drawing names from a hat.
  • 1 Alumnus/Alumna, appointed by the Principal in consultation with the Executive Committee.

I-3. Terms of Office for Ex Officio Undergraduate Student members

Incoming ex-officio Undergraduate Student members shall join Council on July 1; the outgoing ex-officio Undergraduate Student members shall serve throughout the academic year of their terms in office.

Il. Rules of Order

The Speaker shall conduct the proceedings in conformity with Robert's Rules of Order.

III. Committees of Council

III.1. Standing Committees

The Standing Committees of Council are:

  • Appointments Committee
  • Writing Awards Committee
  • Curriculum Committee
  • Executive Committee
  • Scholarship Committee

III.2. Special Committees

From time to time Council may find it useful to establish Special Committees to consider particular issues. Special Committees are normally formed on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, when one or more of the following conditions exist:

  • An issue cannot be accommodated easily within a Standing Committee's schedule - either intense scrutiny is required in a relatively short time or thorough examination of complex issues is necessary over a relatively long period of time;
  • An issue does not fall readily under an existing Standing Committee;


  • There is need for the participation of experts not represented on the relevant committee.

A recommendation from the Executive Committee to establish a Special Committee shall include terms of reference, an outline of membership, the anticipated reporting date, and the proposed date of disestablishment.

III.3. General Procedures



Rules and regulations that guide Council shall also apply to committees of Council.


The term of membership of all Standing Committees shall normally be one year renewable.


All Standing Committees shall report to Council on their deliberations, recommendations, and decisions.


Records of all Standing Committees shall be maintained by the College Secretary.


Each Standing Committee shall meet at the call of its Chair.


Unless otherwise stated, one-third of the members shall constitute a quorum for Standing Committees.

III.4. Executive Committee


III.4.1. Membership

Council shall approve the membership of the Executive Committee composed of the following:

  • 1 Undergraduate Student member appointed by the Council of the College's Literary and Athletic Society from among the students on Council.
  • Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee members. Each year the Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee member receiving the most votes in that year's election for Council shall serve on the Executive Committee for two years: if he or she is unable to serve the second year of her or his term, the two Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee members receiving the highest number of votes in that year shall serve, with the recipient of the highest number of votes serving for a two-year term, the next highest in a one-year term. Tie votes will be broken by drawing names from a hat.

Ex-officio members:

  • The Principal (Chair)
  • The Vice-Principal (Vice-Chair)
  • The Dean of Students
  • The Director of the College's Office of Advancement
  • The College Registrar
  • The Chief Administrative Officer of the College
  • President of the College's Literary and Athletic Society
  • President of the College Alumni Association
  • The Secretary of Council

III.4.2. Function

To set the agenda for each Council meeting.

To ensure that adequate documentation is provided for consideration of each agenda item and to refer back to the originating administrator/governance body for further preparation any item deemed not ready for submission to Council.

To direct specific issues to Council or committees, or to recommend to Council the creation of special committees.

To consider notices of motion given to Council.

During the summer months (i.e. following the last meeting of Council of one academic year and until the first meeting in the subsequent academic year), to have authority to make decisions on behalf of Council on matters of urgency which do not permit their deferral until the next regular meeting of Council.

To review and advise Council on all proposed Constitution and By-Law changes, whether these be brought to Council or initiated by Council.

At periodic intervals of not more than five years, to establish a review of the Constitution and By-Laws and recommend to Council any changes deemed appropriate.

To monitor the functioning of Council and its Committees.

To advise the Principal and other College officers on College business, including the College budget.

To report to Council on its deliberations, recommendations, and decisions.

III.4.3. Procedures

The Committee shall meet in closed session.

III.5. Appointments Committee

III.5.1. Membership

Council shall approve the membership of the Appointments Committee composed of the following:

  • 2 Undergraduate Student members appointed by the Council of the College's Literary and Athletic Society.
  • 4 Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee members, no two of which are from the same Department or EDU:A or from the home unit of the Vice-Principal, appointed by the Principal in consultation with the Executive Committee.
  • 1 Program Director (to be rotated between the College programs from year to year), appointed by the Principal in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Ex-officio members:

  • The Vice-Principal or designate (chair)
  • The College Registrar or designate

III.5.2. Function

To make recommendations for the College on the potential membership of Teaching Staff, Other Academic Appointees, and Graduate Students.

To make recommendations to Council on policies relating to the membership of Teaching Staff, Other Academic Appointees, and Graduate Students.

To report to Council its deliberations, recommendations, and decisions.

III.5.3. Procedures

The Committee shall meet in camera.

III.6. Writing Awards Committee


III.6.1. Membership

Council shall approve the membership of the Writing Awards Committee composed of the following:

  • 2 Undergraduate Student members appointed by the Council of the College's Literary and Athletic Society.
  • 4 to 6 Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee members appointed by the Principal (in consultation with the Executive Committee), one of whom shall serve as Chair.

Ex-officio members:

  • The Barker Fairley Distinguished Visitor, if willing to serve
  • Director of the College Writing Centre
  • The College Librarian

III.6.2. Function

To select winners of the College's writing prizes and to determine the sizes of those prizes within the parameters of the relevant endowments.

To recommend to Council changes to policies and procedures with respect to the administration of writing prizes.

To report to the Council at least annually on its decisions.

III.6.3. Procedures

The Committee shall meet in camera.

III.7. Curriculum Committee


III.7.1. Membership

Council shall approve the membership of the Curriculum Committee composed of the following:

  • 2 Undergraduate Student members from College Programs, appointed by the Principal in consultation with the Presidents of the Program Course Unions
  • 1 Undergraduate Student appointed by the College's Literary and Athletic Society
  • 3 Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee members appointed by the Vice-Principal in consultation with the Executive Committee.
  • The Program Directors from the College Programs.

Ex- officio members:

  • The Vice-Principal (chair)
  • The College Registrar

III.7.2. Function

To advise Council on matters relating to curriculum including courses and the content, quality, and requirements of the College's academic programs and offerings.

To advise Council on proposals for the establishment and closure of academic programs, the establishment and closure of Category 11 and Category 22 certificates, and major and minor modifications3 to existing academic programs, diplomas, and certificates.

To report to Council its deliberations, recommendations, and decisions.

1 Proposals for creation or closure of Category 1 certificates will follow the protocol for major modifications, as stated in the Policy on Certificates (For Credit and Not-for-Credit).

2 Proposals for creation or closure of Category 2 certificates will follow the protocol for minor modifications, as stated in the Policy on Certificates (For Credit and Not-for-Credit).

3 Definitions of major modifications of existing programs, minor modifications, and new academic programs are provided in the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process and are subject to change. Guidance from the Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs, should be sought prior to the development of any such proposal.

III.7.3. Procedures

The Committee shall meet in open session.

III.8. Scholarship Committee


III.8.1. Membership

Council shall approve the membership of the Scholarship Committee composed of the following:

  • 3 Undergraduate Student members appointed by the Council of the College's Literary and Athletic Society.
  • 5 Teaching Staff or Other Academic Appointee members appointed by the Principal (in consultation with the Executive Committee) to be broadly representative of the disciplines in the Faculty of Arts and Science

Ex-officio members:

  • The College Registrar or designate (chair)
  • The Dean of Students or designate
  • The Assistant to the College Registrar (non-voting)

III.8.2. Function

To review and recommend to Council the terms and conditions of new awards and award policies as proposed by the Registrar or his/her designate.

To approve on behalf of Council minor changes to the terms and conditions of awards and award policies, within the constraints set by gifts that established the awards. All such changes shall be reported for information to Council.

To approve decisions regarding recipients of individual awards.

III.8.3. Procedures

The Committee shall meet in closed session. Student members shall remain eligible for all appropriate awards though they shall recuse themselves in the event of a conflict of interest.

IV. Dates of Amendment

Amendments approved by University College Council on April 27, 2012; further amendments approved by University College Council on March 27, 2015 and on November 15, 2019.

Required amendments made to reflect approved updates to the Policy and Procedures on Academic Appointments and the Policy on Certificates (For Credit and Not-for-Credit) on Mar 31, 2017.