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The Founding College of the University of Toronto

Scholarships & Awards

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In Course Scholarships
Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies
Established primarily to support students in the Sexual Diversity Studies (SDS) Program. Though preference will be given to students in the SDS Program, awards may also be given to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students enrolled in other programs at the University of Toronto. Although the primary criterion for selection will be financial need based on the requirements of the OTSS program, the Committee may also consider other factors such as a student’s commitment to academic achievement, outstanding volunteer contributions on or off campus aimed at increasing acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people

Eligibility Requirements

  • U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
  • U of T Student: Registered in a UC program, Enrolled in a college other than UC
  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required
In Course Scholarships
Gift of various donors in appreciation of Professor Paul Perron’s term as Principal of University College (1997 – 2005). To be awarded to UC students who are enrolled in a minimum course load of 3.0 with a GPA of at least 3.0. The award must be made in accordance with the UofT Policy on Student Awards and OSOTF II / OTSS program guidelines. Apply using the online grant application available on ACORN.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Enrolled in UC

How to Apply

  • Application Required