Scholarships & Awards
Established in 1948 in memory of Professor Frederic Davidson (UC ’90), the Frederic Davidson Competition offers one prize of $2,000, one of $1,000, and one of $500 annually to any undergraduate student registered at UC, or whose submission is linked to work in a UC program or affiliated Centre, for any type of academic essay. Preference will be given to essays on English or French literature.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
- U of T Student: Registered in a UC program, Enrolled in a college other than UC
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Established in 2007 in memory of Meyer Greenstein (UC 1940), the Meyer (Mike) Greenstein Memorial Student Award for Writing Excellence offers a single prize of up to $1,000 each year for excellence in any of the following categories: academic essay, other prose, poetry, drama, novel and short story.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required