Scholarships & Awards
In memory of Flt/Lt. S.A. Marshall (UC 1948) who gave his life in the service of Canada on May 19, 1956. The bursary of the value of the annual income is awarded to a student entering their graduating year, requiring financial assistance, who has in previous years obtained high academic standing and has been active in student affairs. Approximate value is $400.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Created by Shanley Lee (BCom 1981 UC) in honour of his parents, Bing and Jane Lee, who exemplified humility, curiosity, and scholarship during their lives. The award covers a year's tuition* for one UC student per year based on outstanding leadership contributions to the University College and the University of Toronto community. Preference will be given to a student with both peer mentoring experience and high academic achievement. Financial need may also be considered. Recipient must register in full-time studies in the subsequent Fall/Winter session.
*Equivalent value of regulated Program Fee, Arts & Science
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Established in memory of Carman B. Guild (UC 1947), an active member of the University College Literary and Athletic Society, the Students’ Administrative Council, the College of Electors, the University of Toronto Alumni Association, the University College Alumni Association and many Hart House clubs and committees. To be awarded in-course to University College students who demonstrate outstanding leadership, energy and enthusiasm in extracurricular activities at the college and/or the university. Awards will vary in number and value.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
This award assists in covering the costs of living in the University College residences for one year for a worthy student in third or fourth year of his or her UC undergraduate program. Relevant criteria will be contributions to college life in UC, academic accomplishment and financial need as specified by the OSOTF program. As required by the OSOTF program, financial need will be the primary criterion. The recipient will be expected to live in the UC residence, show leadership in the community and act as a mentor for younger students.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
To be awarded to second- and third-year University College students who have demonstrated exemplary extra-curricular and co-curricular leadership through their contributions to the college, university, or community. Recipients are expected to have maintained high academic standing.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
These awards have been established to recognize the importance of student volunteer and leadership contributions to University College. Eligible students must be registered and in good academic standing at University College and be involved in the UC community in unpaid leadership roles during the current academic session (other involvement at the University of Toronto or in the broader Toronto community may also be considered). In recognition of the fact that students who are involved in volunteer and leadership opportunities may not be able to earn as much income during the academic year, financial need will also be considered. Awards will vary in number and value. Both returning and graduating students will be considered.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Established by the class of 1997 to assist a University College student who demonstrates financial need. Financial need will be the primary criterion in determining the recipient but involvement in college life and service to the college community may also be considered.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Gift of friends and colleagues of Mary Jane Hendrie (UC 1981) who died in the Korean Airline incident of 1983. This award is intended for a student with financial need who has contributed to college life by participating in athletics or other extracurricular activities.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
These awards were established by the collection of a $3 levy from University College students from September 2005 to September 2010. They are awarded to University College students who have participated in student life or leadership activities in the university community with a preference for activities in University College. Selection is based on the recommendation of a subcommittee consisting of the registrar, dean of students, co-ordinator of student life and at least two members of the UC Literary and Athletic Society executive. In accordance with the requirements of the OTSS program, the primary criteria will be financial need and Ontario residency. Awards will vary in number and value.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
To be awarded on the basis of financial need to a University College undergraduate student who has participated in student life and leadership activities in the university community, with a preference for activities at University College. This award is in recognition of the financial challenge of making a volunteer commitment. This award is given with the intention of making a positive extracurricular experience accessible for all students for the upcoming academic year. Selection is based on the recommendation of a subcommittee consisting of the registrar, dean of students, co-ordinator of student life and at least two members of the Literary and Athletic Society executive. Awards will vary in number and value.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required