Requests & Forms
Absence Declaration & Student Absence Procedures
Students may use the ACORN Absence Declaration Tool to declare an absence once per academic term (e.g., the fall term) for a maximum period of seven consecutive calendar days:
Learn more about the Absence Declaration Tool on ACORN.
Additionally, the Faculty of Arts & Science provides a detailed information page about student absences, including what students should do if they exceed the allowable absence declaration limit or are absent after the last day of classes in a term:
Learn more about Student Absences in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
Bursary and Grant Application
Bursaries and grants are non-repayable funds given to eligible students who demonstrate a need for financial assistance.
Fill out the Undergraduate Grant Application today.
Once your completed application has been received, an appointment will be scheduled by UC's Academic Advising & Registrar's Office and you will meet with an advisor to discuss your application.
Change First Name or Gender Request Form
Requests for a change of first name or gender must be submitted in person to UC's Academic Advising & Registrar’s Office, along with valid government-issued photo identification to be processed.
Confirmation of Enrolment Letter/School Letter
A letter may be requested for various purposes, including proof of enrolment, visa/study permits, banks, employers and RESPs.
Generate your own confirmation of enrolment letter using ACORN if you are currently registered.
Should you need a more detailed letter, you can request one through our office. We will prepare it within two to three business days. Follow the steps below:
Once the request form is complete, either email the form to or drop it off in person at the office.
Course Repeat Form
Please review the information on Repeating Passed Courses in the Academic Calendar.
If you are wishing to repeat a course that you have already received credit for, please complete the Course Repeat Form.
College Registrar's Letter (Term Work Consideration Requests)
In some situations, a professor may instruct a student to request a College Registrar's Letter from UC's Academic Advising & Registrar’s Office when academic consideration is required for missed work or a missed test.
You will need to complete the College Registrar's Letter Request Form and submit it to the Academic Advising & Registrar's Office along with appropriate supporting documentation. The request will be reviewed and considered by the Registrar.
Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR)
A course may be declared credit/no credit (CR/NCR), allowing it to count towards your degree credits, without impacting your GPA. Instead of earning a numerical grade, a CR or NCR notation will appear in its place on your transcript.
Visit the Faculty of Arts & Science website for more information on CR/NCR.
Degree Request/Cancellation
If you missed the last day to request graduation on ACORN or need to cancel your graduation request, please complete and return the Degree Request/Cancellation Form to
Late Withdrawal (LWD) Request
Students who have fallen behind in a course after the last drop deadline has passed may request a late withdrawal. Visit the Faculty of Arts & Science website for more information on LWD.
The deadline to request Late Withdrawal (LWD) from 2024 Fall courses was December 3, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Locker Rentals
For information about renting a locker UC, please contact our team in the Commuter Student Centre.
Medical Note/Verification of Illness or Injury Form (VOI)
The Verification of Illness or Injury Form is the official University of Toronto form for all students who are requesting special academic consideration based on illness or injury.
Download the Verification of Student Illness or Injury Form.
OSAP Continuation of Interest-Free Status Form (CIFS)
If you are enrolled full-time and have received OSAP funding in the past, but are not receiving it for the current academic year, you should submit a Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application through the OSAP website.
This form will verify that you are still engaged in full-time studies and will prevent your previous loans from incurring interest and you will not be required to pay back OSAP during this time. -
Information about submitting a petition for special consideration (deferred exams, term work extension, or withdrawal without academic penalty) can be found on the Arts & Science Petitions & Appeals website.
To submit a petition, please log on to the Arts & Science Petitions System and submit your request to our office for review. In preparation for submission, please be sure to prepare the following:
- A letter outlining the situation in detail and reason for your request(s); see sample letters for Deferred Exam, Term Work Extension (after a term has ended), and Withdrawal Without Academic Penalty ).
Documentation to support your request; this may include a Verification of Illness or Injury form (VOI), the Non-Medical Documentation Form, and/or a letter of support from your Accessibility Advisor;
A copy of your course syllabi (if requesting a term work extension.)
Review a helpful Tip Sheet for submitting your petition via the Arts & Science Petitions System.
After making your request on the Petitions System, please monitor your U of T email account regularly for updates or contact from our advising team.
Re-Registration Form
Any student who has been away from studies for 12 months or longer or alumni of University College wishing to return as non-degree students must complete a Request for Re-Registration form in order to take further courses.
Note: UC is currently waiving the re-registration fee for all students. No payment is required in order to request re-registration.
Once the request form is complete, either email the form to or drop it off in person at the office.
RESP Request
Many RESP providers will provide a proof of registration form that our office can complete. You can either bring the form to the office in person or email the form to
If your RESP company has not provided you with a form, please refer to the Confirmation of Enrolment Letter/School Form section above for further instructions.
Note: Students may not defer their minimum tuition payment on the basis of RESP funding.
Note: University College does not produce transcripts. Visit the Transcript Centre website for more information.
Current Students: Order a transcript through ACORN