Resources & Tools
Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar is a comprehensive publication that outlines the rules, regulations, academic dates and deadlines, degree requirements and programs and courses for the academic year.
Visit the Faculty of Arts & Science calendar to find out more.
ACORN Tutorials
A step-by-step guide with simple instructions to help you navigate your way around ACORN.
Assignment Planner
UTSC (University of Toronto Scarborough) offers a useful tri-campus tool called the Assignment Planner. The purpose of the tool is to help you break down your assignment or project into manageable steps.
Co-Curricular Record (CCR)
The Co-Curricular Record is designed to help students find opportunities at U of T beyond the classroom and to have their skills and experiences captured on an official document.
Visit the Career and Co-Curricular Learning Network for more information.
Course Timetable
The timetable provides course meeting information (day, time, location, enrolment conditions for the current session).
Visit the Faculty of Arts & Science website for access to the timetable.
Degree Explorer
Degree Explorer is the University of Toronto’s degree planning tool. Review your academic history, degree requirements or use the planner to determine how future course selections might meet your requirements.
Financial Planning Calculator
Use the financial planning calculator to plan your budget and see how much money you will need for the upcoming academic year.
GPA Calculator
The GPA calculator is a tool that allows you to estimate your GPA (Grade Point Average) for the current or upcoming academic sessions. This tool is for planning purposes only.
NAVI: Your U of T Resource Finder
Navi: Your U of T Resource Finder is an online chat tool that will help you find mental health and other services on the St. George Campus.
Transfer Credit Explorer
Current U of T students who wish to take courses at other Canadian post-secondary institutions or internationally through the Centre for International Experience’s Student Exchange program may use transfer explorer as a guideline to see if and how such courses will transfer back to U of T for degree credit.