Scholarships & Awards
This award has been established by the estate of Marjorie Moore (UC 1947) to provide grants for University College students to assist with travel and living abroad for periods of up to one year. Students from the fields of art, archaeology, classics, history and modern languages will be eligible. Such students may be at any level of study. Special consideration will be given to students for whom a period abroad is important and an integral part of their education. Awards will vary in number and value.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
This award is intended to support an undergraduate University College student in second, third or fourth year who has demonstrated an interest and intention to participate in activities promoting social advocacy as part of their extracurricular involvement. This award is intended to assist the student with travelling abroad in pursuit of these activities. The student’s financial need, academic merit and statement of intent will be considered.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Established by Professor Paul Perron, principal of University College, and his wife, Jacqueline Perron, in honour of her mother, Elisabeth Destout. To assist a student in any discipline to travel to France in connection with his or her studies. First preference for a student from University College; if no such suitable candidate is available, the award may be used to assist a student from any college who is enrolled in a program sponsored by the Department of French. Students who have just completed their undergraduate studies are eligible, as well as those in the midst of their studies. Should there be no suitable candidates available in any given year, a portion of the funds may be used to assist a University College student with travel to deliver a paper at a scholarly conference.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
The gift of Elizabeth Brown (UC 1928) to perpetuate her contribution to Canada's role in less-favoured regions of the world. Miss Brown served with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in Palestine, the International Refugee Organization in West Germany and the Foster Parents Plan in Vietnam and Australia. The fund assists undergraduate and graduate students to travel beyond North America in connection with their studies or future career plans, preferably in relation to Peace and Conflict Studies. Grants are variable, according to available funds and need.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
To assist students in any discipline to travel to France or any francophone country or province in connection with his or her studies. First preference for a student from University College; if no such suitable candidate is available, the award may be used to assist a student from any college who is enrolled in a program sponsored by the French Department. Students who have just completed their undergraduate studies are eligible, as well as those in the midst of their studies. Should there be no suitable candidates available in any given year a portion of the funds may be used to assist University College students with travel to present papers at a scholarly conference. Awards will vary in number and value.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Established by a bequest of Margaret Jean Leppington (UC 1950), this award assists University College students to travel abroad in order to study in the modern languages other than English. The value and number of scholarships are variable according to need and academic merit.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
The Sally Croll Award for French Study Abroad is a travelling award established by the daughters and friends of Mrs. Sally Croll to honour her lifelong interest in French. The purpose of the award is to allow University College students studying French or knowledgeable in French to go abroad to immerse themselves in a French milieu while pursuing their academic interests. The criteria will be academic merit, financial need, and the merit of the proposal. The award is open to both undergraduates and graduates of University College. It may be used in conjunction with the exchange programs through the Centre for International Experience, as well as Summer Abroad Programs.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Gift of Dr. Herbert J. Davis, professor of English in University College and later Prefessor of Textual Criticism at Oxford University, in honour of his wife Mrs. Gertrud Davis. To promote the exchange of students between University College and German universities. The scholarship will be awarded to University College students doing university studies in Germany. Both students in upper years and recent graduates are eligible.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
To be awarded to students for the purposes of language studies abroad.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required