Scholarships & Awards
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Created by Klaus Goldschlag (UC 1944), in honour of Allan Coatsworth, whose ecumenical benevolence assisted young Jewish Torontonians before and during the Second World War. To be awarded annually to students in University College who have achieved high standing in one or more of the following areas of study: history, philosophy and languages. Awards have a value of $500 and are variable in number.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
To provide funding for 3rd and 4th year University College students enrolled in either Specialist or Major programs in the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
A bequest of Mrs. Beryl Lowry, an alumna of University College who studied English Literature in her later years; this prize is to be awarded to a student in any year who has done well in courses in English literature.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
Awarded to a student with the highest final grade in the course CDN268: Canada and Globalization.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
- U of T Student: Registered in a UC program, Enrolled in a college other than UC
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
To be awarded to students in Canadian Jewish History based on academic merit on the recommendation of the Director of the Canadian Studies program in University College.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
- U of T Student: Registered in a UC program, Enrolled in a college other than UC
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
The David and Vivian Campbell Scholarship in Canadian Studies is awarded to an undergraduate student in the Canadian Studies program who demonstrates financial need. Minor, major or specialist students are equally eligible.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
- U of T Student: Registered in a UC program, Enrolled in a college other than UC
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
Two scholarships will be awarded annually on the basis of academic merit; the first to a student with the most distinguished overall academic performance, who is completing his or her graduating year with a Specialist program in Sexual Diversity Studies; the second to an undergraduate completing either a Specialist or a Major in Sexual Diversity Studies combined with an academic interest in the study of politics (through a degree in a politically-relevant program, such as Political Science, Peace and Conflict Studies, International Relations or Equity Studies), or a demonstrated commitment to social justice. Both award recipients will be chosen by the University College Registrar upon the recommendation of the Mark S. Bonham Centre’s Awards Committee. Open to students from outside University College.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Registered in a UC program, Enrolled in a college other than UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
This fund is intended to support an undergraduate essay award in the area of Chinese Canadian community studies which will be open to all U of T undergraduate students.
Eligibility Requirements
- U of T Student: Enrolled in a college other than UC
- U of T Student: Registered in a UC program, Enrolled in a college other than UC
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Application Required
Gift of the Toronto charter branch of the Association of Administrative Assistants; this award has a value of approximately $400.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Automatic Consideration/No Application Required
To be awarded to University College students pursuing programs in Linguistics, Cognitive Science, or Jewish Studies on the basis of academic merit.
Eligibility Requirements
- Enrolled in UC
How to Apply
- Automatic Consideration/No Application Required