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The Founding College of the University of Toronto
Alumni of Influence logo


The UC Alumni of Influence Awards were established in 2012 in the belief that the success stories of our alumni should be known to current students and fellow graduates. As the College’s signature event, the annual Awards celebrate distinguished alumni who have been selected by the UC community for their leadership and other inspiring contributions.

Submit a Nomination Today

Help UC recognize and celebrate our distinguished alumni who have made extraordinary contributions to their communities and fields. Submit your nomination before May 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm. 

  • Who is Eligible

    Each nominee must be an alumnus/alumna of University College. Graduates aged 18 to 35 are eligible for the Young Alumni of Influence Award. Be sure to select the correct category when submitting your nomination.

  • Information for Nominators

    Explain in no more than 500 words, based on the terms of reference, why your nominee should be chosen for the Alumni of Influence Award or the Young Alumni of Influence Award. Nominations will be kept on file and be considered for selection for two years.

  • Award Selection Process

    The Alumni of Influence Award selection committee will independently review and rank each nomination form according to the award criteria. Recipients will be selected based on the highest aggregate score. An announcement identifying the recipients will be made in UC Magazine.

    A separate selection committee made up of University College Alumni Association members will follow the same guidelines to select one recipient annually for the Young Alumni of Influence Award.

  • Application Deadline

    May 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm

  • Alumni of Influence Award Terms of Reference

    The Award

    The Alumni of Influence Awards, University College’s most prestigious alumni awards, publicly recognize and celebrate distinguished University College alumni for their contributions to their community and/or professional field.

    1. Award Recipients
      a. Must be alumni of University College;
      b. Must have achieved distinction in their field;
      c. Must have made a contribution of significance that reflects positively on University College; e.g., volunteer leadership, mentorship, community-building, commitment to diversity, etc.;
      d. May not be sitting politicians, University of Toronto President or Vice-president, Chancellor, member of Governing Council, or Executive member of the UCAA.
    2. Nominations:
      a. A call for Nominations will be announced each year;
      b. Nominations must be signed and accompanied by a letter of support;
      c. Individuals may nominate more than one nominee in any particular year;
      d. Unsuccessful nominations may be carried forward for one year and treated as a submission for the succeeding year;
      e. Nominees may not be previous AOI recipients.
    3. Selection Committee:
      a. Members of the selection committee are chosen from amongst alumni, students, faculty and staff by University College;
      b. Members may serve a maximum term of two years;
      c. Membership on the selection committee is voluntary;
      d. Selection Committee members are responsible for reviewing all nomination materials received and for selecting recipients;
      e. Committee members agree to maintain complete confidentiality regarding nominees, the selection process, and decisions.
      f. Members of the Selection Committee are not eligible for nomination during the years of their service on the committee.
    4. Selection Process:
      a. The University College Office of Advancement will receive and compile all nomination materials for the Alumni of Influence Awards and distribute them to the Selection Committee;
      b. Each committee member will rank each nominee on a criteria-ranking form;
      c. Results will be submitted, in confidence, to University College’s Office of Advancement, tallied, and provided to the Selection Committee for consideration and ratification;
      d. Individual committee members' rankings will be kept confidential;
      e. Highest aggregate scores will determine the recipients of the Alumni of Influence Award;
      f. Recipients are to be determined no later than June 1 of each year;
      g. Unsuccessful nominations will remain active for a maximum of one additional year.  The Selection Committee, at its discretion, may reactivate a nomination in any subsequent year;
    5. Recognition of Recipients:
      a. Recipients will be presented with an award during an annual Alumni of Influence ceremony;
      b. Recipients who are unable to attend the awards ceremony, may request to receive their award in a subsequent year or choose a designate to accept the award on their behalf;
      c. Recipients must agree to allow for their name, photograph and short biography to appear in the UC Magazine, the UC website and other media as determined;
      d. Awards may be granted posthumously.
    6. University College reserves the right to:
      a. Revoke a recipient’s award should circumstances arise whereby the recipient’s conduct or behavior are deemed to have an unfavourable impact on the reputation and/or image of University College and the University of Toronto;
      b. Authorize deviation from these Terms of Reference, from time to time, on the recommendation of the Selection Committee;
      c. Vary the number of recipients chosen from year to year;
      d. Make changes to these Terms of Reference.
  • Young Alumni of Influence Award Terms of Reference

    The Young Alumni of Influence Award is a way for University College to publicly recognize and celebrate young graduates who have demonstrated outstanding leadership through professional achievement, entrepreneurship, community, public, or humanitarian service and/or dedication to University College and the broader University of Toronto community. Recipients must serve as a source of pride and inspiration for UC students and new graduates. The Young Alumni of Influence Award is an opportunity to recognize the achievements of recent graduates who may not yet qualify for the University College Alumni of Influence Award.

    1. The Award:

    a. Shall be named the "Young Alumni of Influence" (YAOI) Award;

    b. Is the most prestigious University College Young Alumni Award.

    2. The Award Recipient:

    a. Must be alumnus/a of University College;

    b. Must be age 21-35;

    c. Demonstrated outstanding leadership in a chosen field of endeavor;

    d. Made an outstanding contribution in their field, which has not necessarily received public acclaim;

    e. Made a contribution of significance that has reflected positively on University College; for example: volunteer leadership, mentorship, community-building, and demonstrating commitment to diversity;

    f. May not be sitting politicians;

    g. May only receive the Young Alumni of Influence Award once;

    h. May not be currently sitting on the award selection committee or the University College Alumni Association;

    i. May be eligible at a later date for the Alumni of Influence Award.

    3. Nominations:

    a. Call for Nominations will be sent out each year;

    b. Nominations must be signed and accompanied by a letter of support;

    c. Individuals may nominate more than one nominee in a particular year;

    d. Nominations may be carried forward and treated as a submission for the succeeding year;

    e. If no nominations are received, the selection committee may consider nominations received in prior years or submit its own nomination.

    4. Selection Committee:

    a. Members of the selection committee will be members of the University College Alumni Association and/or alumni chosen by University College alumni relations;

    b. Membership on the selection committee will be voluntary;

    c. Members of the selection committee will be excluded from consideration during any and all years of their service on the committee; Selection committee will be responsible for reviewing all nomination materials received and selecting recipients.

    5. Selection Process:

    a. Selection committee will receive all nomination materials for the Young Alumni of Influence Award;

    b. Nominees will stand for nomination for a total of two (2) years and, if the nominee does not receive the award in that period, the nomination will be placed in an inactive file for consideration by the selection committee, using its discretion, in any subsequent year;

    c. Each committee member will rank each nominee on a criteria-ranking form;

    d. Results are submitted in confidence to University College alumni relations for compilation and ratification;

    e. Individual committee members' rankings will not be revealed;

    f. Highest aggregate scores will determine the recipients of the Young Alumni of Influence Award;

    g. Recipients will be determined no later than June 30 of each year.

    6. Recognition of the Recipient:

    a. Recipient will be presented with an award during Alumni of Influence Gala;

    b. If the recipient is unable to attend the ceremony, the recipient may identify a designate to accept the award;

    c. Publicity will appear in the UC alumni magazine;

    d. In the event of the death of the recipient prior to the ceremony and in consultation with the recipient's family/next of kin, the award will be granted posthumously.

    7. University College Reserves the Right to:

    a. Revoke an award granted to a recipient should circumstances arise that could unfavourably impact the reputation and/or image of University College;

    b. Make changes to these terms of reference on the recommendation of the selection committee;

    c. Authorize the deviation from these terms of reference, from time to time, on the recommendation of the selection committee.