One-on-One Appointments at the UC Writing Centre
One-on-one instruction offers the best way for you to become a stronger writer. Our highly trained instructors work with you in 50-minute appointments on course assignments at any stage and in any subject. We help you develop your capacity to plan, organize, write, and revise your academic papers.
Book, Cancel or View Appointments
After you log in, select Face-to-Face to manage your one-on-one appointments.
Who Can Make an Appointment with Us and When
- All students registered at UC may use the UC Writing Centre.
- If you’re taking a college program course, you may bring in work in that course.
- You may book one appointment a week and up to three future appointments at any time. There is no limit on the total appointments you may book over the term.
- You may visit the UC Writing Centre up to twice a week in the summer.
- UC students may book up to two appointments a year for help on application letters and admissions statement.
- You may also book up to two appointments for help on U of T-related research.
How We Help You
- We ask about your assignment and discuss your plans, helping you to understand your topic and clarify your ideas. We can help you to build an outline.
- We ask you questions. If you can articulate your ideas in speech, you'll more easily discover the right words to put on paper.
- We read your writing intensively. You can ask us to scan the whole paper or to go over one section in detail.
- We demonstrate and teach skills in revising and proofreading, but we don't go through your paper and fix the language errors for you.
- We point you to published material and to U of T's over 60 Advice files on academic writing.
How to Prepare for Your Appointment
- Don't cancel your appointment just because you haven't finished a draft. Remember, we can work with you at any stage.
- If you must cancel, please do so as soon as you can to give others a chance to book an appointment.
- If you will be seeking help on a draft, leave some time to revise before you come in, so that we can focus on those issues you can’t easily spot yourself.
- For in-person appointments, you may choose to share a hard-copy of your paper, or you may share your paper through Google Docs.
- Online appointments occur through Google Docs. You will receive instructions for file sharing when you book.
- Be sure to share your assignment sheet along with any completed work.
The Waiting List
- If you can’t get an appointment because we’re solidly booked, don’t give up. Many students get their appointments through the waiting list.
- You may place yourself on the waiting list for as many days as you wish.
- You’ll be notified by email if an appointment becomes free. Follow the link to the schedule.
- Everyone on the waiting list will be sent a notice at the same time; openings will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Be persistent. If you aren’t lucky the first time, you may be the second or third.
Drop-in Appointments
- If an appointment slot remains open at the starting time or opens up because a student hasn't shown, we will send a drop-in notification to everybody on the waitlist.
- You may have a drop-in even if you have reached your limit on regular appointments, though we may give priority to students who haven't yet had any this week.
- Bring specific questions, and think ahead of time about what most needs attention.
A Few Important Policies
- Students who do not cancel at least 5 hours in advance or miss an appointment will receive a penalty. You will also be blocked from booking after three late cancellations or two no-shows. You may seek reinstatement after being blocked.
- You may book an appointment only for yourself. If you can’t attend your appointment, please make sure to cancel. Do not offer it to another student.
- Students who are more than 15 minutes late may lose their reservation to drop-ins.