What are the UC Lit’s Commissions?
- The Athletics Commission runs all sports themed events, such as ski trips, Raptors or Blue Jays games, viewing parties, and much more! They also run numerous intramurals in a variety of sports each year.
- The Equity & Outreach Commission strives to create a more equitable environment for all UC students by highlighting our college’s diversity through fun and educational programming and initiatives. It also supports local charities and provides opportunities for students to get involved in communities beyond UC.
- The Literary & Creative Arts (LCA) Commission is UC’s patron of the arts. It hosts events such as coffee houses and artist meetups to showcase UC students’ talent and creativity. They also keep in close contact with UC publications such as our college newspaper, The Gargoyle, and literary journal, The UC Review, as well as our theatre troupe, the UC Follies.
- The Mental Wellness Commision strives to bring awareness and reduce the stigma around mental health issues and illnesses on campus. They host events ranging from de-stressors to educational workshops and discussions and advocate for better mental health policies at the administrative level.
- The Off-Campus Commission (UCOC) works in tandem with the UC Commuter Dons (CoCos) to make the lives of our 70% commuter population as easy and fun as possible. The commission helps maintain the Commuter Student Centre (CSC), UC’s hub for the commuter community and related events. They also host the MyJourney commuter orientation in July.
- The Services Commission hosts our annual Fireball, the largest semi-formal on campus. For Fireball, the commission transforms the University College building into a magical and colourful place based on a theme chosen at the beginning of every school year. They also run our other two semi forms, the end of year Ball and Red & White at Orientation.
- The Social Commission runs fun events on and off campus such as pub crawls, food crawls, and board game nights. They often collaborate with other commissions such as UAA to bring you trivia night with the profs, or help out with formals such as the end of year Ball.
- The Spirit & Communications Commission (SCC) is responsible for reaching out to as many UC students as possible. They maintain our social media accounts, website, blog, and calendar and work with council to create meet and greet events. The commission is also responsible for curating UC Spirit Wear such as sweatshirts, baseball hats, touques, and mittens!
- The Sustainability Commission is dedicated to making University College more vibrant, green, and environmentally responsible by encouraging more sustainable practices both on council and throughout the UC community.
- The University & Academic Affairs Commission (UAA) works to promote an active learning community at UC and support students’ academic success. They run events such as alumni panels, academic support sessions with upper year students, exam de-stressors and more.