Researching Your Cognitive Science Essays
Find the books, articles and other sources you need to write an excellent essay on your topic in Cognitive Science.
Online Handbooks & Encyclopedias
Start your research with a handbook or encyclopedia to get an overview of a topic. Try these (from U of T Libraries):
- The Cambridge handbook of cognitive development (2022)
- The Cambridge handbook of intelligence and cognitive neuroscience (2021)
- The Oxford handbook of developmental cognitive neuroscience (2020)
- The Oxford handbook of ethics of AI (2020)
- The Routledge international handbook of thinking and reasoning (2018)
- The Routledge handbook of consciousness (2018)
- The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Science (2017)
- The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience (2014)
- The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition (2014)
- The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence (2014)
- The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science (2012)
- The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics (2010)
- Encyclopedia of Consciousness (2009)
The UC Library has a modest but growing collection of cognitive science books. Click the link below to find UC Library books in the U of T Library catalogue. Then you can refine your search to be more specific, or expand your search to include other U of T libraries and ebooks.
Article Databases
The following databases (from U of T Libraries) include articles related to cognitive science:
Research Guides (Created by U of T Librarians)
Here are some research guides in fields related to cognitive science, created by U of T librarians:
General Research Tips
Friendly advice from the UC librarian that applies to any field of study.