Researching Your Essays for UC One: Engaging Toronto
Find the books, articles and other sources you need to write an excellent essay for your UC One course.
Research Guide
The UC One research guide (U of T Libraries) is a great place to start researching your UC One essay.
Here are some sections of the research guide you may find especially useful, depending on your UC One course and essay topic:
- Citizenship - especially useful for UNI101Y1 (Citizenship in the Canadian City)
- Environment
- Health - especially useful for UNI103Y1 (Gradients of Health in an Urban Mosaic)
- Housing
- Indigenous Peoples
- Multiculturalism
- Neighbourhoods
- Public Space
- Sexuality - especially useful for UNI104Y1 (Sex in the City)
- Social & Economic Conditions
- Suburbs
- Theatre & Performance - especially useful for UNI102Y1 (Performing the City)
- Transportation
- Urban Planning
General Research Tips
Friendly advice from the UC librarian that applies to any field of study.