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The Founding College of the University of Toronto
Maple Leaf in held in hand


Courses Offered by the Canadian Studies Program

Course Course Title 2024-2025 Instructors

Aspects of Québec Culture

Rosa Saverino

Topics in Canadian Studies I

Not offered 2024-2025

Voices in Canadian Writing

Larissa Lai

Culture and the Media in Canada

Rick Salutin

Italian Canadian Studies

Not offered 2024-2025

Canadian Nationalisms

Siobhan O'Flynn

Canada & Globalization

Emily Gilbert

Canadian Jewish History

Sterling Stutz


Topics in Canadian Studies II - Chinese Canadian Communities and Oral Histories


Not offered 2024-2025

Asian Cultures in Canada

Larissa Lai

Asian Canadian Space & Place

Serene Tan

Black Canadian Studies

Temitope Adefarakan

The History of Canadian-U.S. Relations

Jonathan Bayer

Digital Media, Digital Makers

Siobhan O'Flynn

The Canadian Arctic

Not offered 2024-2025

Canadian Pluralism

Aslan Amani


Canada's Borders

Killian McCormack

Special Topics in Canadian Studies: Digital Canada

Not offered 2024-2025

Sociocultural Perspectives of the Canadian Jewish Community

Sterling Stutz

Re-Imagining Canada: Creative Visions of Our Past, Present, and Futures

Siobhan O'Flynn

Chinese Canadian Studies

Serene Tan


Independent Study in Asian Canadian Studies

Faculty Member


The University in Canada

Grace Barakat

Topics in Canadian Studies III - Critical Approaches to Asian Canadian Studies

Larissa Lai

Senior Essay in Canadian Studies

Rick Salutin

Independent Research in Canadian Studies



Senior Seminar: Special Topics in Canadian Studies

Not offered 2024-2025

Active Citizenship in a Canadian Context

Not offered 2024-2025

Special Topics in Canadian Studies

Temitope Adefarakan

Citizenship In Canada

Shawn Micallef

Inventing Canada

Siobhan O'Flynn

Canada, Colonialism and Settler Relations

Krista Barclay

Canada-Hong Kong Migration

Amardeep Kaur

Canadian Theatre

Not offered 2024-2025

Italians in Canada: Histories, Journeys, Struggles, Successes

Paolo Frascà

Italian Canadian Communities

Not offered 2024-2025

Italian Canadian Culture and Identity

Paolo Frascà

Introduction to HIV/AIDS: Health, Sexuality and Gender

Scott Rayter

Queerly Canadian (formerly UNI325H1)

Scott Rayter

The Canadian Wilderness

Not offered 2024-2025

Truths & Reconciliations in Canada

Sarina Annis

Courses Approved for Canadian Studies POSts

Students can also nominate a course in other units not on this list, as long as they can verify that the course deals with Canadian issues to a significant extent (about 30%) —which could include a First Year Foundations or Special Topics course.

  • Indigenous Studies

    INS201Y1 Introduction to Indigenous Studies: Foundations, History, and Politics
    INS210Y1 Introduction to Anishinaabemowin
    INS220Y1 Introduction to an Iroquoian Language
    INS230H1  Introduction to Inuktitut
    INS231H1 Elementary Inuktitut
    INS261H1 Contemporary Challenges Facing Indigenous Communities New!
    INS301Y1 Native Language and Culture
    INS302H1 Aboriginal Representation in the Mass Media
    INS310Y1 Anishinaabemowin II
    INS320Y1 Kanien’kéha II
    INS350H1 Indigenous Health Systems
    INS351Y1 Aboriginal Legends and Teachings (Not offered 2024-2025)
    INS352H1 Indigenous Leadership, Policy, and Practices in Canada
    INS353H1 First Nations Politics in Canada
    INS360Y1 Politics and Process of Reconciliation in Canada
    INS403H1 Indigenous Peoples and the Urban Context
    INS407H1 Indigenous Environmental Justice
    INS410H1 Anishinaabewin Intellectual Traditions, Narrative and Culture
    JPA354H1 Indigenous Rights and Indigenous Law in Canada (Not offered 2024-2025)
    JFP450H1 Indigenous Issues in Health and Healing
    JPI201H1 Indigenous Politics in Canada (formerly JPA308H1 / POL308H1)

  • Anthropology

    ANT204H1 Social & Cultural Anthropology
    ANT315H1 Arctic Archaeology
    ANT322H1 Anthropology of Youth Culture (Not offered 2024-2025)
    ANT365H1 Native America and the State (Not offered 2024-2025)
    ANT412H1 Historical Archaeology

  • Art

    FAH248H1 Canadian Painting 1665-1960
    FAH354H1 Recent and Contemporary Canadian Art
    FAH376H1 Canadian Architecture: A survey (Not offered 2024-2025)
    FAH457H1 Issues in Canadian Art, ca. 1900-1940
    FAH458H1 Issues in Recent Canadian Art
    FAH482H1 Master Works of Art at the Art Gallery of Ontario (Not offered 2024-2025)
    FAH485H1 Collecting Canada: Art in the Royal Ontario Museum 
    FAH486H1 Case Studies at the Royal Ontario Museum
    FAH495H1 Independent Studies in Canadian Art and Architecture (Not offered 2024-2025)
    FAH495Y1 Independent Studies in Canadian Art and Architecture (Not offered 2024-2025)

  • Caribbean Studies (New College)

    CAR429H1 Caribbean Diaspora in Canada

  • Cinema Studies

    CIN370H1 Canadian Documentary: Institutions, Practices and Participation

  • Computer Science

    CSC300H1 Computers and Society

  • Drama

    DRM230Y1 Concepts of Twentieth-Century Theatre (Not offered 2024-2025)
    DRM366H1 Canadian Theatre

  • East Asian Studies

    EAS474H1 U.S. and Canada's Wars in Asia

  • Economics

    ECO202Y1 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
    ECO321H1 Canadian Economic History prior to 1850
    ECO322H1 Canadian Economic History 1850-1960
    ECO349H1 Money, Banking and Financial Markets

  • English

    ENG215H1 The Canadian Short Story
    ENG252H1 Introduction to Canadian Literature
    ENG254H1 Introduction to Indigenous Literatures
    ENG350H1 Early Canadian Literature
    ENG352H1 Canadian Drama
    ENG353Y1 Canadian Fiction
    ENG354Y1 Canadian Poetry
    ENG355Y1 Transnational Indigenous Literatures
    ENG356Y1 African Canadian Literature
    ENG357H1 New Writing in Canada
    ENG368H1 Asian-North American Literature
    ENG424H1 Advanced Studies: Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures (Not offered 2024-2025)
    ENG425H1 Advanced Studies: Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures (Not offered 2024-2025)
    ENG428H1 Advanced Studies: Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures (Not offered 2024-2025)

  • Environment

    ENV320H1 National Environmental Policy
    ENV323H1 Ontario Environmental Policy

  • Finnish Studies

    FIN320H1 The Finnish-Canadian Immigrant Experience

  • Forest Conservation

    FOR200H1 Conservation of Canada's Forests

  • French

    FRE210H1 Introduction to Quebec Literature and Culture
    FRE273H1 Introduction to the History of the French Language
    FRE314H1 Quebec and French-Canadian Literature
    FRE379H1 Sociolinguistics of French
    FRE410H1 Advanced Topics in Quebec Literature
    FRE441H1 Advanced Topics in French Literature: The Writings of New France

  • Geography

    GGR124H1 Urbanization, Contemporary Cities and Urban Life
    GGR240H1 Historical Geography North America
    GGR246H1 Geography of Canada
    GGR308H1 Physical Aspects of the Canadian Arctic and Sub-Arctic
    GGR321H1 Indigenous People and Environmental Issues in Canada (Not offered 2024-2025)
    GGR336H1 Urban Historical Geography of North America
    GGR339H1 Urban Geography, Planning and Political Processes
    GGR357H1 Housing and Community Development
    GGR416H1 Environmental Impact Assessment

  • History

    HIS263Y1 Introduction to Canadian History (Not offered 2024-2025)
    HIS265Y1 Black Canadian History
    HIS266H1 Asian Canadian History
    HIS300H1 Energy Cultures in North American History
    HIS307H1 Canadian Political Issues (Not offered 2021-2022)
    HIS311H1 Introduction to Canadian International Relations
    HIS312H1 Immigration to Canada
    HIS313H1 Canadian Labour and the Left
    HIS314H1 Quebec and French Canada
    HIS318H1 Histories of the West in Canada
    HIS360H1 African-Canadian History, 1606 to Present
    HIS363H1 Dynamics of Gender in Canadian History
    HIS365H1 History of the Great Lakes Region
    HIS366H1 Aboriginal Peoples of the Great Lakes from 1815 to Present (Not offered 2024-2025)
    HIS369H1 Aboriginal Peoples of the Great Lakes from 1500 to 1830 (Not offered 2024-2025)
    HIS384H1 Colonial Canada
    HIS402H1 Canada and Decolonization
    HIS405Y1 Canadian Foreign Relations
    HIS410H1 Spectacle, Crowds, and Parades in Canada (Not offered 2024-2025)
    HIS429H1 Canada and Empire in the Twentieth-Century (Not offered 2024-2025)
    HIS430H1 Canadians and the World Wars 
    HIS462H1 Canadian Intelligence and National Security, 1945 to present (Not offered 2024-2025)
    HIS464H1 Religion and Violence in Comparative Perspective
    HIS466H1 Topics in Canadian History
    HIS469H1 Religion, Culture and Society in Canada 
    HIS472H1 Indigenous-Newcomer Relations in Canadian History (Not offered 2024-2025)

  • Hungarian

    HUN335H1 Urban vs. Rural: Immigration to and Settlement in North America

  • Italian

    ITA233H1 Italian-Canadian Literature
    ITA334H1 Italian-Canadian Literature I: Life in a New World (Not offered 2024-2025)
    ITA493H1 Italian-Canadian Literature II: Identity and Voice (Not offered 2024-2025)

  • Joint Courses

    JFP450H1 First Nations Issues in Health & Healing
    JGU346H1 The Urban Planning Process
    JGU454H1 The Role of the Planner: Making a Difference
    JPA354H1 Indigenous Rights and Indigenous Law in Canada (Not offered 2024-2025)
    JPS315H1 LGBTQ Politics (formerly POL315H1)
    JQR360H1 The Canadian Census: Populations, Migrations and Demographics
    JUG320H1 The Canadian Wilderness

  • Linguistics

    LIN201H1 Canadian English 
    LIN458H1 Revitalizing Languages

  • Music

    MUS306H1 Popular Music in North America

  • New College

    CSE346H1 Community Organizing and Global Solidarity

  • Political Science

    JPI201H1 Aboriginal Politics in Canada (formerly JPA308H1 / POL308H1)
    JPU315H1 Sexual Diversity Politics (formerly POL315H1, Not offered 2024-2025)
    POL214H1 Canadian Government
    POL224H1 Canada in a Comparative Perspective
    POL306H1 Urban Politics and Governance in Canada (Not offered 2024-2025)
    POL312H1 Canadian Foreign Policy Performance
    POL314H1 Public Opinion and Voting (Not offered 2021-2022)
    POL316H1 Contemporary Canadian Federalism
    POL318H1 Canada and the Global Challenge Since 9/11, Part I: NAFTA (Not offered 2024-2025)
    POL334H1 Ontario and Quebec Politics
    POL336H1 Topics in Provincial Politics
    POL337H1 The Canadian Constitution
    POL341H1 Canada and the Global Challenge Since 9/11, Part II: The WTO
    POL344H1 Social Movements in Europe and North America
    POL349H1 Globalization and Urban Politics
    POL356H1 Canadian Political Parties
    POL382H1 Topics in Canadian Politics
    POL425H1 Multiculturalism in Canada
    POL439H1 The Canadian Welfare State in Comparative Perspective
    POL462H1 Parties and Party Systems: A Canadian Perspective (Not offered 2024-2025)
    POL463H1 Comparative Political Parties and Elections (Not offered 2024-2025)
    POL467H1 The Politics of Immigration and Multiculturalism in Canada 
    POL473H1 Advanced Environmental Politics and Policy in Canada (Not offered 2024-2025)
    POL474H1 Politics and Political Analysis
    POL490H1/491H1 Special Topics in Canadian Politics

  • Portuguese

    PRT234H1 Portuguese Immigration to North America (Not offered 2024-2025)

  • Public Policy

    PPG301H1 Introduction to Public Policy

  • Religion

    RLG308H1 Religion and the City
    RLG426H1 Religion in the Public Sphere Service-Learning Internship

  • St. Michael's College

    SMC291H1 Broadcast Media and Culture (Not offered 2024-2025)
    CHC372H1 The Catholic Church in Canada
    SMC321H1 The Catholic Church and Canadian Law (Not offered 2024-2025)
    SMC366H1 Interreligious Dialogues & Practice (Not offered 2024-2025)
    CLT376H1 Irish-Canadian Literature (Not offered 2024-2025)
    CLT377H1 The Celts in Cape Breton (Not offered 2024-2025)
    SMC385H1 Numbers and the Humanities: Multicultural Toronto (Not offered 2024-2025)
    CLT413H1 The Irish in Canada
    CLT416H1 Irish Nationalism in Canada(Not offered 2024-2025)
    SMC428H1 The Spiritual in Modern Art (Not offered 2024-2025)
    SMC466H1 Public Broadcasting in Canada (Not offered 2024-2025)

  • Slavic Languages and Literatures

    SLA238H1 Literature of the Ukrainian-Canadian Experience

  • Sociology

    SOC218H1 Asian Communities in Canada
    SOC220H1 Social Inequality in Canada
    SOC336H1 Immigration and Race Relations in Canada
    SOC383H1 The Sociology of Women and International Migration

  • Trinity College

    TRN160Y1 Public Policy and the Public Good
    TRN235H1 Health Policy in Canada: Past, Present and Future
    TRN419Y1 Comparative American, British and Canadian Foreign Policy

  • University College

    HST211H1 Canadian Health Policy
    HST330H1 Population Health
    UNI102H1 Performing the City
    UNI103H1 Gradients of Health in an Urban Mosaic
    UNI104H1 Sex in the City

  • Victoria College

    VIC119H1 Ancient Narratives in Modern Contexts

  • Woodsworth College

    CRI225H1 Criminal Law 
    CRI325H1 Criminal Procedure (Not offered 2024-2025)
    CRI340H1 Punishment: Theory and Practice
    CRI370H1 Youth Justice

  • Women and Gender Studies

    WGS380H1 Aboriginal, Black & Immigrant Women in the Land of Dollars